Illinois EPA submits new vapor intrusion proposalBy Raymond T. ReottEnvironmental Law, February 2011Unable to completely resolve the objections to its original proposal, despite a long stay of the rulemaking proceedings, the Illinois EPA finally decided to bring forth a new and different proposal to add a vapor intrusion pathway for indoor air exposure to the Illinois TACO Cleanup Rules.
The Illinois estate tax: A few surprises, perhaps?By Robert W. KaufmanTrusts and Estates, October 2011Using examples for 2011 decedents found on the Illinois Attorney General's Web site, the author finds that the regressive nature of the Illinois estate tax has dramatic results.
The Illinois gift tax and a planning opportunity, perhaps?By Gary R. GehlbachTrusts and Estates, December 2011With the $5 million federal gift and estate tax exemption and the $2 million Illinois estate tax exemption, a popular planning technique is to have clients make substantial lifetime gifts, using some or all of their $5 million federal gift tax exemption.
The Illinois Home Repair and Remodeling Act AmendmentBy J.A. SebastianGeneral Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, March 2011The legislative amendment of the Home Repair and Remodeling Act now creates additional enforcement powers with the private right of action.
The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union ActBy Richard A. WilsonDiversity Leadership Council, June 2011When the new Act took effect on June 1, Illinois joined 11 U.S. States and the District of Columbia that now recognize legal unions between same-sex couples.
Illinois Supreme Court announces new public domain citation system, ending era of printed volumesBy Joseph Tybor & Hon. Alfred M. Swanson, Jr.Bench and Bar, June 2011The Illinois Supreme Court has mandated a new way of officially citing its cases and those of the Illinois Appellate Court starting July 1, 2011. This new method will save Illinois taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by eliminating the need to publish and purchase the official opinions in bound volumes.
The Illinois Supreme Court takes pass on ripe opportunity to protect insurance consumersBy Scott A. BlumenshineInsurance Law, July 2011The author argues that with the Rosen decision, the Illinois Supreme Court has abdicated its authority to invalidate insurance policy language on the supposed basis that the legislature has approved such language, when it has not.
Immigrants beware—Trademark counterfeiting Is aggravated felony INA §101By Joseph T. NaborIntellectual Property, September 2011Criminal trademark counterfeiting is counterfeiting, and an aggravated felony under INA § 101(a)(43)(R), 8 USC § 1101(a)(43)(R), and supported Immigration judge's removal order. Ninth Circuit rejects argument "counterfeiting" referred only to currency. Rodriguez-Valencia v. Holder, 99 USPQ2d 1476 (9th Cir. 2011).
Immigration detainers violate human rightsBy Kelly BrackleyHuman and Civil Rights, December 2011Why should immigrants be treated any differently from anyone else who is arrested—why are they denied due process?
Immigration obstacles for same-sex couples civilly united in IllinoisBy Angela RollinsInternational and Immigration Law, August 2011Even though same-sex couples can now enter into civil unions in Illinois, same-sex binational couples are unable to recognize the same benefits as married opposite-sex couples under the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Important developments in the Bulgarian law on European Union fundingBy Elena SabkovaInternational and Immigration Law, January 2011One of the most notorious cases to reach Bulgaria's courts was the misappropriation of funds from the EU’s Special Accession Program for Agriculture and Rural Development. The court's decision was handed down this past summer.
In the December issue…By Darrell Dies & Jacob FrostTrusts and Estates, December 2011An introduction to the issue from co-editors Darrell Dies and Jacob Frost.