Articles From 2015

Case summaries By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, Jr. Administrative Law, March 2015 Summaries of recent cases of interest to administrative law practitioners.
Case summaries By Sonni Choi Williams, Michael D. Bersani, Phillip B. Lenzini, Matthew S. Dionne, Rita Elsner, & Joshua Herman Local Government Law, March 2015 Recent cases of interest to local government law practitioners.
Case summaries By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, Jr. & J.A. Sebastian Administrative Law, February 2015 Summaries of recent cases of interest to administrative law practitioners.
Case update—Daimler AG v. Bauman, 134 S.Ct. 746 (2014) By David W. Aubrey International and Immigration Law, June 2015 The author predicts that the Daimler opinion will create substantial litigation over where corporations are “at home” and whether corporations can be “at home” in more than one jurisdiction contemporaneously.
Caselaw update By Raymond W. Prather Trusts and Estates, December 2015 Three recent cases of interest to trusts & estates practitioners.
Cases illustrate importance of filing a post-trial motion By Robert T. Park Civil Practice and Procedure, October 2015 Arient and Burkhamer, decided the same day, both demonstrate the necessity of closely following the rules of practice and filing a post-trial motion whenever you seek relief from an unfavorable jury verdict.
Cases may benefit from the use of the Uniform Mediation Act By Stephanie Snyder Alternative Dispute Resolution, June 2015 The author argues that the James Brown and Ernie Banks estate disputes would have benefited from mediation.
A cautionary tale in criminal cases By Hon. Celia G. Gamrath Bench and Bar, October 2015 The rulings in Seal and Ames demonstrate the Appellate Court is willing to reverse a conviction where the defendant is not given Rule 401(a) admonishments at the time he waives counsel.
CDL and “masking” issue By Ted Harvatin Traffic Laws and Courts, December 2015 Federal regulations prohibit “masking” in order to avoid the CDL consequences.
CERCLA and the Supreme Court By John M. Barkett Environmental Law, August 2015 If you can get the Court to take a CERCLA case, it is not at all unlikely that, despite CERCLA’s remedial purpose, the Court will interpret CERCLA’s words literally rather than attempt to rewrite them.
CERCLA’s contribution protection guidances: A problematic policy that may violate due process By Alfred R. Light Environmental Law, September 2015 A look at how the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Justice have been advocating what appears to be an unconstitutional policy.
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, December 2015 A message from Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
1 comment (Most recent December 12, 2015)
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, November 2015 A message from Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, October 2015 A message from Chair Matt Kirsh.
1 comment (Most recent October 12, 2015)
Chair column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, September 2015 A message from Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
2 comments (Most recent September 11, 2015)
Chair’s column By Hon. Jeanne Reynolds Bench and Bar, December 2015 A message from the Bench & Bar Section Chair, Judge Jeanne Reynolds.
Chair’s column By Emily N. Masalski Women and the Law, November 2015 A message from WATL Committee Chair Emily Masalski.
Chair’s column By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, Jr. Senior Lawyers, November 2015 An introduction to the issue from Chair Ed Schoenbaum.
Chair’s column By Harry Dubnick Alternative Dispute Resolution, November 2015 A message from ADR Section Chair Harry Dubnick.
Chair’s column By Hon. Patricia Jackowiak Administrative Law, November 2015 A message from Chair Patricia Jackowiak.
Chair’s column By Hon. Patricia Jackowiak Administrative Law, October 2015 A message from Section Chair Patricia Jackowiak.
Chair’s column By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum Senior Lawyers, October 2015 A message from the Senior Lawyers Section Chair, Judge Ed Schoenbaum.
1 comment (Most recent October 2, 2015)
Chair’s column By Emily N. Masalski Women and the Law, October 2015 A message from Committee Chair Emily Masalski.
Chair’s column By Hon. Patricia Jackowiak Administrative Law, September 2015 A message from Hon. Patricia Jackowiak.
Chair’s column By Raquel G. Martinez Law Related Education for the Public, September 2015 A message from LRE Committee Chair Rocky Martinez.
Chair’s column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, August 2015 A message from Family Law Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
Chair’s column By Emily N. Masalski Women and the Law, July 2015 An update on the Committee's activities, including a volunteer opportunity tomorrow (July 18th) from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. in Chicago.
Chair’s column By Matthew A. Kirsh Family Law, July 2015 A message from incoming Section Chair Matt Kirsh.
Chair’s column By Hon. Jeanne M. Reynolds Bench and Bar, July 2015 A message from the incoming Section Chair.
Chair’s column By Hon. Ann Breen-Greco Alternative Dispute Resolution, June 2015 The final message of the year from Judge Ann Breen-Greco.