ADR Section Council proposes joint task force on youth violenceBy Joshua BaileyApril 2011The ISBA ADR Section Council, in partnership with the Chicago Bar Association, is working to implement a Joint Task Force on Stopping the Killing of Our Children in Chicago.
Case briefsBy Shauntal Van Dreel & Meghan SteinbeissOctober 2011Recent cases of interest to ADR practitioners.
Case briefsJune 2011Recent cases of interest to ADR practitioners.
Case briefsBy Ivana MiljicApril 2011Recent cases affecting practitioners of alternative dispute resolution
Case briefsBy Joshua BaileyMarch 2011Recent cases affecting practitioners of alternative dispute resolution.
Chair’s columnBy Kate DuncanOctober 2011A message from ADR Section Chair Kate Duncan.
Dealing with time limitsBy Robert E. Wells, Jr.April 2011A fictional discussion of the importance of mediator credibility.
Evaluating the debate on collective bargaining in the public sectorBy Joshua BaileyApril 2011In order to justify their claims, public sector unions should present a clear and convincing argument as to why collective bargaining is necessary in a government context. This would require unions to pointedly dissect the claim that government is unlike private employers and thus collective bargaining does not function correctly in the public sphere.
Evaluation finds Cook County Child Protection Mediation Program helping broken families mendBy Thomas D. CavenaghMarch 2011By providing a forum for families and child protection professionals to communicate and work through conflicts, the Child Protection Mediation and Facilitation Program gives families with children in state custody the chance to have their voices heard regarding issues of visitation, services and placement.
Foreclosure mediation met with mixed feelingsBy Whitney RhewApril 2011It appears that efficient programs with “quick” answers for borrowers and high participation rates will be most successful.
From the editorBy Thomas D. CavenaghOctober 2011An introduction to the issue form Editor Tom Cavenagh.
HappeningsJune 2011Mediation updates from around the country.
HappeningsBy Ivana MiljicApril 2011Mediation updates from around the country.
HappeningsBy Joshua BaileyMarch 2011Mediation updates from around the country.
Interfaith issues in divorce mediationBy Whitney RhewMarch 2011The case of Reyes v. Shapiro calls into question the court system’s ability to prohibit a parent from instilling values and beliefs into his or her child.
Letter to the editorBy Mark RouleauOctober 2011A reader's response to the article, "Sacrificing class arbitration for the good of individual arbitration," that appeared in the June 2011 issue of this newsletter.
London Mediation TournamentBy Robert E. Wells, Jr.June 2011A recap of this year's InterNational Academy of Dispute Resolution’s Tenth Annual International Law School Mediation Tournament, which took place in March.
A pilot program that would allow for the mediation of attorney-client disputesBy Madalyn PhillipsOctober 2011The ARDC would be responsible for coordinating, paying for, and explaining mediation to the parties involved. They would also be responsible for assisting the mediator with anything they might need throughout the mediation process.
What every lawyer should know about Collaborative Law (a.k.a., Collaborative Practice)By Sandra CrawfordJune 2011Three things every lawyer should also know about Collaborative Law: (1) there is a favorable American Bar Association Formal Ethics Opinion (Opinion No. 07-447) on the topic; (2) Since October, 2010 there has been a Uniform Collaborative Law Act adopted in several states; and (3) there is an international organization, the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, which has also promulgated Ethical Standards for Collaborative Practitioners.