The Antitrust Counselor: BenchmarkingBy Mildred L. CalhounOctober 2003The impetus to benchmark waxes and wanes according to the current management theory in vogue at any given time, but regardless of management imperatives, benchmarking always requires significant antitrust scrutiny.
Competition policy in the new economyMarch 2003The greatest challenge to competition policy at the beginning of the 21st century is the acceleration of technical change and innovation that has created a new competitive dynamism in a range of markets sometimes collectively referred to as the "new economy."
Editor’s noteJune 2003Before you do anything else, please take two minutes to fill out the questions in the survey that is included in this newsletter and invest $.37 to tell us how the section can best serve you in your practice.
Editor’s noteMarch 2003News and updates from the editors.
Editor’s notesOctober 2003In November 19, 2003, at 12:00 Noon at the Chicago Bar Association, your ISBA Antitrust & Unfair Competition Law Section will present jointly with the CBA's Antitrust Law Committee the second of two sessions focusing on the nuts and bolts of class action antitrust practice.
The Seventh Circuit finally gets into the (Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements) ActBy David A. O’TooleJune 2003Given that three other circuit courts have posited three different interpretations of the Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act, it would have hardly seemed possible for the Seventh Circuit to plow any new intellectual ground on the subject.