Collegium 2000 fact patternFebruary 2000Tiger Wolf, age 51, was the golden boy of your law school class: Law Review, Order of the Coif, and a great work ethic.
Collegium studies law firm organizationSeptember 2000Two sessions of the 2000 Collegium convened in Chicago and Springfield on March 9 and March 17, respectively.
Editor’s columnNovember 2000Another year has gone by and the section council proudly has continued its longstanding record of service to the practicing bar.
Editor’s columnSeptember 2000Greetings to all new members of the Business Advice and Financial Planning Section, and to our returnees, "welcome back."
Editor’s columnJune 2000We close out this year's cycle of newsletters with a focus on estate planning and tax matters.
Editor’s columnBy Malcolm L. MorrisFebruary 2000This edition of "The Counselor" is devoted to the upcoming collegium
Eleventh Annual CollegiumNovember 2000The Business Advice and Financial Planning Section Council is sponsoring its Annual Collegium in Chicago and Springfield.
Family gift trustBy Patrick F. DalyJune 2000As the advisor to our personal and business clients we are called upon to give estate planning advice in the broadest sense.
Taxing family mattersBy Malcolm L. MorrisJune 2000Representing businesses provides opportunities to encounter many different areas of law--none perhaps as challenging as tax matters.
View from the chairBy Gene A. PetersenNovember 2000Your section council has firmed up our meeting arrangements for the year. Our first meeting was held on September 16, 2000 in Urbana, Illinois.
View from the chairBy Gene A. PetersenSeptember 2000I am honored to serve as chair of the Business Advice and Financial Planning Section Council for 2000-2001.
View from the chairBy James M. LestikowJune 2000This will be my final column as chair of the section council. I had several goals in mind at the outset of my term.
View from the chairBy James M. LestikowFebruary 2000As you will note from the minutes of the December section council meeting and the fact pattern published in this issue, the council is hard at work on Collegium 2000.