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2022 Articles

Benefits of Registering a Trademark as an Entity By Ahad Syed April 2022 Filing for a trademark as an entity, though unnecessary, confers significant benefits.
Digital Assets in the U.S.: The Evolving Regulatory Framework and President Biden’s Executive Order By Nikhil Mehta April 2022 The current regulatory landscape surrounding digital assets in the U.S. is cloudy at best with a patchwork of various federal agencies vying for oversight.
Illinois Appellate Court Holds That Trial Courts May Order the Purchase of the Shares of a Shareholder Who Did Not Petition the Court for Relief as a Remedy to Resolve Corporate Deadlock By Samuel Neschis April 2022 The appellate court addressed a common situation—deadlock on the board of directors of a closely held corporation—in Osaghae v. Oasis Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc.