How Do You Verify the Identity of a Data Requestor?By David AdlerSeptember 2019Under the California Consumer Privacy Act, companies must allow Californians to access the information held about them, or, in some situations, request that the information that they provided to a company be deleted. By keeping data minimization objectives in mind and not over-thinking compliance obligations, verifying the identity of a data requestor may be straight-forward.
Privacy Law Specialist CertificationBy Martin WhittakerApril 2019For almost 20 years the International Association of Privacy Professionals has been certifying the expertise of people who work in various professions that demand familiarity and judgment about privacy law and regulation
Rule of thumbBy Rhys SaundersApril 2019The Illinois Supreme Court clarified the burden of proof under state's strict biometric privacy law in Rosenbach v. SixFlags Entertainment Corp.
Take control: What every attorney should do to keep hackers at bayBy Ruth E. SchneiderFebruary 2019Although not every firm will be the subject of a multi-million dollar hacking heist, the risks and consequences of failing to secure client data are every bit as consequential to the reputation and future of the firm.
Upcoming CLE eventsMay 2019Upcoming continued legal education offerings of interest.