2022 Articles

Changes to 430 ILCS 65 (FOID Statute) By Rahnesha C. Williams February 2022 An overview of recent modifications and additions to the Firearm Owner's Identification Card Statute.
Criminal Defense and the Virtual Courthouse: Challenges for New Attorneys By Kenet Weed February 2022 The transition to remote proceedings and the rise of the Zoom courtroom hasn’t always been smooth and the addition of previously unfamiliar technology has brought its own set of challenges for even experienced lawyers.
Digitally Time Travel With the WayBack Machine By Tim Meloy March 2022 The WayBack Marchine can be a resource for lawyers who are interested in scrutinizing the digital footprint of a client, an adversary, or a third party. 
Eight Tips for Starting Your Own Law Practice By Marie Sarantakis April 2022 Tips to consider when starting your own law firm.
Estate Planning for Millennials: Wills, Wills, Wills By Priya Thennarasu March 2022 Basic considerations to begin drafting a will.
Filing Under Seal in Federal Court: A Suggestion for Reform By Daniel R. Thies February 2022 In Illinois, motions to seal must be filed before or simultaneously with the main filing to which it relates—but is there a different set of rules that might provide a more rational framework?
How to Find an Expert By Rachel Ellen Simon February 2022 Getting the right expert can be critical in understanding and persuasively presenting your case. But how do you go about finding one?
How to Network Effectively During COVID Times By Genevieve Niemann February 2022 Strategies for effective networking in a remote world.
Is a Physical Office Needed in This Age of Remote Work? By David White January 2022 With COVID-19 drastically changing the methods in which attorneys provide services to their clients, it is important to consider the pros and cons of various workspaces to decide which is the best fit for you.
Key Distinctions Between Discovery and Evidence Depositions in Illinois By Gregory R. Jones April 2022 A look at the key distinctions between discovery depositions and evidence depositions.
The Life of a Personal Injury Case From the Plaintiff’s Perspective: From Intake Through Resolution By Bruno Marasso April 2022 The life of a case in three phases: (1) pre-lawsuit; (2) lawsuit; (3) post judgment/settlement.
The Micro-Elephant in the Courthouse By Trent Cameron April 2022 Advice for dealing with micro-aggressions.
The Myth of Work-Life Balance By Rebecca Hausman February 2022 Work-life balance should be thought of as more of a cycle than an accomplishment.
Pandemic Brain Fog and the Importance of Written Records By Dane Nelson March 2022 Methods for battling brain fog.
Powers of Attorney for Health Care in the Age of COVID-19 By Sarah LeRose March 2022 Many agents named in powers of attorney for health care documents are unaware of the responsibilities bestowed upon them and the standards they are held to under the law.
Rural Practice Initiative Aims to Encourage New Lawyer Growth in Underserved Counties By Joe Souligne January 2022 The ISBA is working to address the problem of the shortage of attorneys in rural areas of Illinois through its Rural Practice Fellowship Program. 
Snow and Ice Removal in a Frozen COVID World By Daniel C. Katzman March 2022 A brief refresher of the Illinois law on snow and ice removal.
Tips for Sharing the Road With Semi-Tractor Trailers During Chicago’s Winter Months By John Steigauf January 2022 Tips to stay safe when navigated icy, snow-covered roads.
Top Five Ways to Improve Productivity in the New Year By Kayla M. Hickey February 2022 Tips and tricks for improving productivity.
What to Know Before Your First Court Appearance By Phillip G. Palmer April 2022 Insight and advice gained from a recent Young Lawyers Division virtual luncheon.
Young Lawyers as Expert Second-Chair Trial Attorneys By Mallory Sanzeri April 2022 Honing your skills as a second-chair trial attorney will prepare you to one day reach the coveted first-chair.