Illinois State Bar Association | Illinois Judges Association
December 8 - 10, 2022
JW Marriott Chicago
151 West Adams Street, Chicago (map and directions)
ISBA Chicago Regional Office
20 South Clark Street, Chicago (map and directions)
Thursday, December 8
ISBA Mutual Insurance Company Board Meeting
8:30 a.m.
Illinois Bar Foundation Board Meeting
11:30 a.m. Lunch
12:00 p.m. Meeting
Illinois State Bar Association Board Meeting
2:30 p.m.
Diversity Leadership CLE Program: It’s Never Too Late: Transitioning to Life as a Judicial Law Clerk
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Learn how to broaden your career by moving into judicial clerkship positions in both the Illinois appellate courts and the U.S. federal courts. Listen as our judicial speakers explain why they value hiring attorneys with prior practice experience, as well as the personal experiences of law clerks that have made the transition and the benefits they experienced from this career change. Topics include: deciding when to look for law clerk positions, how your legal experience will help you in this role, the challenging nature of the work, the benefits to your work/life balance, and much more.
Presented by the ISBA Diversity Leadership Council and the Diversity Scholarship Fund
1.0 hour MCLE credit
Please register for It’s Never Too Late: Transitioning to Life as a Judicial Law Clerk separately
Section Committee and Committee Networking Reception
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
All registered attendees are invited to this new networking event. Enjoy refreshments and light snacks while you meet and mingle with members.
Co-sponsored by the Illinois State Bar Association and Smokeball
Complimentary to registered attendees
Friday, December 9
Illinois Bar Foundation Champion’s Breakfast
7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Join the Illinois Bar Foundation at the ISBA Midyear Meeting in Chicago as we honor two esteemed members of our Illinois legal community, Kevin J. Conway and Hon. Debra B. Walker, at our annual Champions Breakfast.
Separate registration is required for Illinois Bar Foundation Champion’s Breakfast
IJA/ISBA Joint CLE Program:Rethinking How We Deliver Justice
9:00 – 11:45 a.m.
Join us for this comprehensive look at how justice is delivered and what we can do to improve the process. Learn why choosing alternative dispute resolution options over traditional adversarial formats can be the better choice – and how it can benefit all parties involved. Attorneys who attend this seminar will better understand:
- How we can deliver justice in a more meaningful way;
- The types of cases that are best-suited for the ADR format;
- What to consider when choosing between in-person and remote meetings;
- The coming changes to Illinois’ bail reform; and
- Much more.
Presented by the Illinois State Bar Association and the Illinois Judges Association
2.50 hours MCLE credit, including 2.50* hours Professional Responsibility MCLE credit in the following category: Professionalism, Civility, and Legal Ethics credit
Complimentary to registered attendees. Separate registration required for CLE credit. A link will be provided after registering for the Joint Midyear meeting.
IJA/ISBA Joint Midyear Meeting Luncheon
12:00 p.m.
Join us for lunch with featured speaker Alexi Giannoulias
$100 per ticket
CLE Master Series Program: Building Resilience and Good Habits for Lawyer Wellbeing
1:15 – 2:45 p.m.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Dr. Roger Hall as he gives you the ingredients you need to build resilience and develop good habits so you can avoid burnout and achieve long-term professional performance. Topics include:
- The importance of preparing for adversity;
- The three psychological components of resilient leaders (as defined by two prominent researchers);
- The importance of locus of control, the illusion of control, and the value of persistence;
- The concept of “anti-fragile”;
- The science of peak performance habit formation to develop good habits; and
- How to apply irritating reminders, novel reminders, and stimulus control.
Master Series presented by the Illinois State Bar Association
1.50 hours MCLE credit, including 1.50* hours Professional Responsibility MCLE credit in the following category: Professionalism, Civility, and Legal Ethics credit
Please register for Building Resilience and Good Habits for Lawyer Wellbeing separately
ISBA Assembly Meeting
3:00 p.m.
The policy-making body of the Association meets to conduct the business of the Association.
All Bar Holiday Reception Honoring the Supreme Court of Illinois
6:00 p.m.
Please join in honoring the justices of the Supreme Court of Illinois. The black-tie optional evening includes TBD
Reception co-hosted by the Illinois State Bar Association, The Chicago Bar Association, Illinois Judges Association, ISBA Mutual Insurance Company, (additional TBD)
Entertainment provided by TBD.
Holiday Reception $50 per ticket