Articles From William A. Price

Joint Committee on Administrative Rules: Legislative review of rulemaking procedures and significant court cases on rulemaking in Illinois By William A. Price Administrative Law, November 2011 A summary of some of the information contained in the annual report for 2010 released by the Illinois General Assembly's Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.
2011 federal and state regulatory agendas By William A. Price Administrative Law, September 2011 Counsel with business advisory or other regulatory compliance practices can give their clients a “heads up” about new mandates they may face by reviewing the regulatory agendas of their federal and state regulators.
Abraham Lincoln and Harland Sanders By William A. Price Administrative Law, August 2011 Two Kentucky natives may be worth remembering this month, not so much for legal insight, but for the qualities of endurance and resilience they both represent.
Business results from the fall and spring sessions By William A. Price Business Advice and Financial Planning, August 2011 Recent changes in Illinois taxes affecting business lawyers.
Faculty Development Series Award for attendance goes to Schoenbaum, Sebastian By William A. Price Administrative Law, July 2011 Two Administrative Law council members were honored for having attended at least four of the five available faculty development seminars offered by the ISBA this year.
Professional services and law practice growth patterns By William A. Price Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 2011 The U.S. government collects a wide variety of statistics on employment, earnings, and employment dynamics in law practices and on other business advisory professions. These can give you a reasonably good idea of what the growth in numbers and in income has been in recent years.
Reflections on Law Day By William A. Price & Patti Gregory-Chang Administrative Law, May 2011 Two Section Council members recall what Law Day means to them.
Administrative law and process legislation passed by the 95th and 96th sessions of the General Assembly By William A. Price Administrative Law, December 2010 This list of bills covers revisions to the Administrative Procedures Act and to the motor vehicle statutes allowing administrative adjudication of county ordinance violations in motor vehicle operation, the first county level administrative law hearings process. The author also compiled a comprehensive list of APA references in legislation from the 95th and 96th General Assembly sessions.
Possible liability for non-governmental organizations that assume state functions: Could homeowner’s associations make Illinois courts revisit their decisions about First Amendment rights on private property? By William A. Price Administrative Law, November 2010 Administrative law enforcement is often delegated to private entities or organizations for, as an example, safety standards development, or for public-private partnerships operating sports stadiums, or in volunteer boards that advise agencies on rulemaking.
Meeting notes By William A. Price Administrative Law, October 2010 Status updates on the Section Council's various committees and subcommittees.
2010 National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws will consider revisions to 1981 Model State Administrative Procedure Act By William A. Price Administrative Law, August 2010 View the suggested amendments to the Model State Administrative Procedure Act.
Rutan v. Republican Party-based challenge will finally get a court hearing By William A. Price Administrative Law, August 2010 The Rutan ruling, which grew out of state government practices in Illinois, made it illegal to base government hiring and promotion decisions based on politics, except for policy-making positions.
Flinn Report extracts By William A. Price Administrative Law, May 2010 You could read the entire Illinois Register to stay current with new, proposed, and changed rules and administrative agency actions. Or, you can check out the weekly "Flinn Report," which summarizes just about everything for you in a more user-friendly digest.
Summary of recent decisions and PLAs By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, William A. Price, & J.A. Sebastian Administrative Law, May 2010 A listing of recently decided cases related to Administrative Law.
Win or lose, the client may not always be right By William A. Price Administrative Law, May 2010 He may have been a fourth-century Roman historian, but Ammianus Marcellinus' views of lawyers and clients is still relevant today.
Editors’ note By William A. Price & J.A. Sebastian Administrative Law, April 2010 An introduction to the issue from the co-editors of the Administrative Law newsletter.
A preliminary summary of Provena Covenant Medical Center v. State of Illinois Department of Revenue, Supreme Court of Illinois, Slip Op. 3/18/2010 Docket No. 107328 By William A. Price & J.A. Sebastian Administrative Law, April 2010 This verdict upholds the Department of Revenue's decision to deny the nonprofit religious hospital's state property tax exemption.
Around the agencies By William A. Price Administrative Law, February 2010 Illinois administrative agencies, boards, and commissions make many of the most important decisions affecting the lives and property of the state’s citizens. Read more about these groups and their powers here.
Model State Administrative Procedure Act revision active at the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws By William A. Price Administrative Law, February 2010 The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws has an active Drafting Committee to Revise Model State Administrative Procedure Act.
October 2009 Administrative Law decisions, with analysis and commentary By William A. Price Administrative Law, December 2009 Supreme Court and Appellate Courts
Administrative Law Case Summaries By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, J.A. Sebastian, & William A. Price Administrative Law, October 2009 A list of recent cases of interest to Administrative Law practitioners.
Section Council Profiles By William A. Price Administrative Law, October 2009 We’re planning to provide information on the various members of the Administrative Law Section Council over the course of this newsletter year. Here are the first two biographical summaries.
“It ain’t over ‘til it’s over”: Circuit court jurisdiction after remand to an administrative agency By William A. Price Administrative Law, September 2009 Post-judgment proceedings can be decisive in any case, and they may be difficult to obtain promptly where state agency proceedings are at issue.
Regulatory agendas, lists, and other compliance aids By William A. Price Administrative Law, September 2009 The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act allows counsel some insight into what rules are coming down the pike by requiring all agencies to publish regulatory agendas in the January 1 and July 1 editions of the Illinois Register.
The right to an agency decision, and 35 days to appeal, including some weekend days By William A. Price Administrative Law, September 2009 If your client gets a state agency decision, he or she is entitled to a clear and simple explanation of what standard the agency applied, and why the decision was made.
Administrative Law Section Seminar and Section Council Meeting in Springfield, May 15th and 16th By William A. Price Administrative Law, June 2009 The Section sponsored a well-received seminar on administrative hearings and appeals this May 15th, and the Section Council met the day afterward at the Abraham Lincoln hotel in Springfield, Illinois.
Are criminal prosecutions for prevarication possible? By William A. Price Administrative Law, April 2009 Political and governmental ethics debates in Illinois may have reached a new low this spring, with a member of the majority party defending a vote against a special election with a comment on the situation of the state’s junior U.S. Senator, currently challenged for less-than-forthcoming answers about how he obtained appointment, and for unsuccessful attempts to raise political funds in the course of discussions of same.
Legal and tax issues for franchisees By William A. Price General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, January 2009 Buying and operating a franchise is different than most of the other purchase or investment decisions your client will make in the course of your lifetime. Your client is getting a business that they will run using a more-or-less established system, not purchasing something physical like a car or a house.  
Interpreting the rules By William A. Price Administrative Law, December 2008 Client questions often call for careful parsing of language.
Section Council news By William A. Price Administrative Law, November 2008 News of interest to Administrative Law practitioners. 

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