Notes from the chairBy Karl MenningerApril 1999If your local bar association is casting about for an activity for this year's Law Day, you might propose an activity involving the rights of older persons.
Notes from the chairBy Karl MenningerJanuary 1999The changes in our society's technology can be difficult to comprehend. There were people who watched humans land on the moon who were alive when the first manned flight happened.
The pooled trust as an asset conservation/Medicaid planning toolBy Steven C. PerlisNovember 1999This author has found many occasions for bringing up the possible use of a pooled trust as a sensible strategy for nursing home residents (or others) or their family members to consider.
Resources for the elder lawyerNovember 1999What "Fair Housing" Means for People with Disabilities is a new booklet published by the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law.
Reverse mortgage resourcesBy Stephanie EdelteinApril 1999AARP Home Equity Information Center AARP Foundation
Senior citizens may be denied privilege to appeal adverse rulings on homestead exemptionsBy Carl H. StoweApril 1999Senior citizens who receive adverse rulings on applications for exemption upon the real property used as a home, such as the Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption (35 ILCS 200/15-170) or the Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption Assessment Freeze (35 ILCS 200/15-172) may find that they are unable to obtain review of such denial through the court.
Senior citizens’ real estate tax exemptions for married personsBy Carl H. StoweNovember 1999Counsel helping senior citizens with application for any one of three exemptions which may apply to real property used as a home should be mindful of the fact that married persons who maintain separate residences qualifying as homestead property may not be entitled to the same relief as single persons who are over 65.
Tobacco and older persons: of studies and settlementsNovember 1999For a generation that was raised on the idea of smoking cigarettes, pipes and cigars as a basic activity of adulthood, the change in society's attitude over the last fifteen years must be disconcerting.
The twelve worst mistakes in preparing pension ordersNovember 1999This is adapted from Divorce: A Time for Caution, An Introduction to the 12 Worst Mistakes Lawyers Make in Preparing Pension Orders, by WISER (Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement), 1201 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 619, Washington, DC 20004.
UPDATE: U. S. Justice Department drops section 4734 appeaBy Lee BenezeApril 1999The infamous section 4734 of the Balanced Budget Act, usually referred to as the "granny's legal advisor goes to jail" clause is in the news again, perhaps for the last time.