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2022 Articles

Curbside Cocktails and Crowlers® To-Go: Here to Stay, or Fading Off Into the Sunset? By Hon. Anna M. Benjamin May 2022 A look at the specific requirements to be in compliance with changing alcohol sale and carry out laws.
From the Chair By Lynne Ostfeld May 2022 A note from the chair.
Is Application of the Reasonable Consumer Standard at the Motion to Dismiss Stage Reasonable? By Carlos F. Ramirez March 2022 A look at the many problems surrounding the application of the "reasonable consumer" standard by courts in consumer fraud cases.
People You Should Know: Claire Manning May 2022 A spotlight on Claire Manning, vice chair of the Illinois State Bar Association Food Law Section Council.
People You Should Know: Lynne Ostfeld May 2022 A spotlight on Lynne Ostfeld, chair of the Illinois State Bar Association Food Law Section Council.
Report From the November 2021 AALA Conference By Lynne Ostfeld May 2022 An overview of two standout food law topics from the 2021 American Agricultural Law Association conference in Salt Lake City.