Press releaseMarch 2014Sign up now for the 9th Annual Silk Road Conference to be held May 16th in Chicago.
Press releaseJanuary 2014Sign up for this fascinating and educational seminar.
Prosecutorial discretion and administrative closure in immigration law: A new adjudicatory ruleBy Patrick M. KinnallyJune 2014At first blush, it may seem curious that the concept of prosecutorial discretion has any pertinence to immigration cases. As we know, prosecutors have unmitigated powers in charging individuals with crimes, opting not to bring a charge at all, or making recommendations concerning plea bargains, sentencing, or conferring immunity to the accused, as well as witnesses. See, Bordenkircher v. Hayes, 434 U.S. 357 (1978).
Real estate in Israel—Prepare for probateBy Deborah Opolion-ElovicJanuary 2014A look at the Israeli laws and procedures relating to a U.S. citizen who dies leaving real estate in Israel, and practical advice to those who currently hold real estate in Israel to ease the property's future transfer.
Recent casesSeptember 2014Recent decisions of interest to international and immigration law practitioners.
Recent casesJune 2014Recent cases of interest to international and immigration law practitioners.
Recent casesMarch 2014Cases of interest to international & immigration law practitioners.
Recent casesJanuary 2014Recent cases of interest to international & immigration law practitioners.
Reform of the Foreign Corrupt Practices ActBy Joshua NygrenDecember 2014This is the first installment of a two-part series. The next issue of this newsletter will contain the second part.
Save money in international law by performing your own Chinese legal researchBy Paul KossofAugust 2014This article first provides a general model for how to perform Chinese legal research and discusses each step in the model to enable the reader to perform his or her own research. It then suggests specific legal services, provides other ways of obtaining English-based legal information, and determines when foreign attorneys must rely on Chinese legal counsel
Streamlined Offshore Disclosure for U.S. residentsBy James CreechAugust 2014The IRS has made some signification changes to offshore disclosure as part of the Foreign Account Compliance Tax Act reporting that went into effect July 1, 2014.
Women in conflict—A UN responseBy Cindy G. Buys & Julia Kaye WykoffJune 2014Rather than conventional war tools such as guns, tanks, and bombs, raping and abusing women seemingly became a favorite tactic in many war-torn countries.