Addition by deductionBy Paul ShaheenSeptember 2011If employee benefits are becoming unaffordable, how does a firm maintain them? Or at least remain in the position to offer them?
Bill for your value, not just your laborBy Dan BreenApril 2011How do we stray from straight time billing when time is such an important part of our stock in trade?
Emerging issues for Illinois employers in wage and hour lawBy Richard L. Samson & Michael D. RaySeptember 2011A list of issues that Illinois employers commonly face regarding wage and hour laws, and practical advice for minimizing liability and exposure in light of the burgeoning wave of related lawsuits.
Establishing a corporate giving programBy Leonard W. SachsApril 2011A look at Howard & Howard's corporate giving program, and some guidance for establishing your own.
Health care reform—Guidance and then someBy Michael J. PowersApril 2011A look at those aspects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the related Health Care Education and Reconciliation Act of 2010 that are most important to employers who sponsor healthcare plans for employees.
How to laugh in the face of a data disasterBy Alan PearlmanSeptember 2011A true story from the case chronicles of ETS Investigative Services of Wilmette, Illinois, a firm specializing in data security, recovery, forensics and investigation.
Law firm partner compensationBy John W. OlmsteadJune 2011Can compensation make a difference in a partner's motivation, performance, and contribution to the firm?
Managing ourselvesBy Dan BreenJune 2011Because more and more attorneys will begin their legal career without a traditional business structure, it is important that we, as a profession, pay more attention to the business side of law.
Mentoring—what we have to doBy Steven C. LindbergApril 2011As more-experienced attorneys, it is our job, our professional obligation to teach the younger or more inexperienced members of the bar how to practice law.
Note from the ChairBy Ira AzulayJune 2011An introduction from Section Chair Ira Azulay.
Professional liability claim exposuresBy Stephen G. WilderJune 2011Every firm has a particular claim exposure profile based on the nature of its practice and its firm management practices and procedures. By understanding this profile, a firm can better identify and address the risks that may lead to claims against the firm.
Professional services and law practice growth patternsBy William A. PriceJune 2011The U.S. government collects a wide variety of statistics on employment, earnings, and employment dynamics in law practices and on other business advisory professions. These can give you a reasonably good idea of what the growth in numbers and in income has been in recent years.
Wherever you go…Never forget to take your Pulse!By Alan PearlmanSeptember 2011A review of the Livescribe Pulse Digital Smartpen, which creates digital copies of everything you write by hand while recording audio at the same time.