The Changing Landscape of Digital Marketing: What Lawyers Need to KnowBy Greg WildmanJanuary 2020To understand the changes in digital marketing, it is important to know what your digital assets are and how these digital assets can increase your law firm’s value and ultimately drive your success on the internet.
Crisis LeadershipBy Steve LindbergMay 2020Strong leadership is necessary to navigate your law firm through a crisis like COVID-19.
The Illinois Bar Foundation Needs Your HelpBy Rory T. WeilerNovember 2020The Illinois Bar Foundation, which assists fellow lawyers who have fallen upon hard times, has acted quickly to address the economic crisis that has resulted from COVID-19.
Illinois Employers Now Required to Provide Anti-Harassment TrainingBy Christina Hynes MescoMay 2020The Workplace Transparency Act, signed into law in August 2019, requires that Illinois employers, regardless of size, provide annual sexual harassment prevention training to all employees.
Law Practice Management Software OverviewBy Antwan M. Williams & Cheryl A. MorrisonMay 2020A good practice management software package can reduce unnecessary stress and improve overall efficiency for client and case management
Supporting the Illinois Bar Foundation’s Lincoln Legacy SocietyBy Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, (ret.)November 2020The Lincoln Legacy Society is the Planned Giving Program of the Illinois Bar Foundation, supporting the Foundation’s mission to administer access to justice programs throughout Illinois and offer financial aid to attorneys and their families during times of crisis.
A Virtual Pro Bono Opportunity to Help Those in NeedBy Michael G. BergmannNovember 2020Illinois Free Legal Answers is a virtual legal clinic where low-income Illinoisans can submit a question online to ask a pro bono lawyer for help with a civil legal issue.
What Do Taxes Have to Do with My Case? The Importance of Tax Planning for LitigatorsBy Natalie LorenzJanuary 2020Income tax consequences can significantly impact your clients’ take-home dollars resulting from litigation, but proper planning can influence settlement negotiations and can assist in obtaining judgments with favorable tax treatment.