AT&T Teleholdings, Inc. v. Department of RevenueBy David P. DornerAugust 2012In a Rule 23 Order, the appellate court ruled in favor of the Illinois Department of Revenue, holding that AT&T Teleholdings may not use the combined apportionment method to allocate its unitary business group’s 2002 net capital loss among its members for purposes of carrying back the loss to 1999, a tax year in which its members were members of different unitary business groups.
Case summariesBy Carolyn SprinchornNovember 2012Two recent tax decisions from the Circuit Court of Cook County.
Civil union tax returnsBy Brian E. FlifletNovember 2012Civil union partners must now file Illinois income tax returns as married couples. They may select either filing status: married filing jointly or married filing separately. But because the Internal Revenue Service does not permit same-sex civil union partners to file federal returns as a married couple, the process is a little more complicated.
Cook County tobacco wholesalers succeed in limiting Cook County tobacco taxBy Elinor HarterAugust 2012In Arangold Corporation v. Cook County, two local wholesale tobacco distributors were substantially successful in their action brought against the Cook County Department of Revenue challenging the constitutionality of the County’s broad expansion of the Cook County Tobacco Tax Ordinance.
Due process tax nexus and the expatriate inter vivos trustBy Stanley R. KaminskiSeptember 2012Is it legal for the original domiciliary state to continue to impose an income tax on a now-expatriated trust, given the fact that the trust no longer has any contacts with the state?
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiDecember 2012An introduction to the issue from Co-Editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stanley Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiNovember 2012An introduction to the issue from Co-editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stanley Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiOctober 2012An introduction to the issue from Co-Editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stanley Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiSeptember 2012An introduction to the issue from Co-Editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stan Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiAugust 2012An introduction to the issue from Co-Editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stanley Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiJuly 2012An introduction to the issue from co-editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stanley Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Stanley R. Kaminski & Mary Ann ConnellyJune 2012An introduction to the issue from Co-editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stan Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiMay 2012An introduction to the issue from co-editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stan Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiApril 2012An introduction to the issue from co-editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stanley Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiMarch 2012An introduction to the issue from co-editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stanley Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiFebruary 2012An introduction to the issue from Co-editors Mary Ann Connelly and Stanley Kaminski.
A note from the co-editorsBy Mary Ann Connelly & Stanley R. KaminskiJanuary 2012An introduction to the issue from co-editors MaryAnn Connelly and Stanley Kaminski.