Are Your Remote Signings Camera Ready?By Daniel S. EbnerJune 2020 On March 26, 2020, Governor Pritzker signed State of Illinois Executive Order 2020-14 that allows for remote ink notarization and witnessing of a variety of documents including what are commonly considered estate planning documents like wills, trusts, and power of attorney documents.
Asset Protection Considerations in Estate PlanningBy William J. Cotter & Michelle V. HanlonFebruary 2020An increasingly important element of estate planning discussions with clients is how to minimize exposure from the claims of creditors.
The CARES Act Provides Tax Relief for Individual TaxpayersBy Lawrence J. Gregory, JD,CPAApril 2020On March 27, 2020, the president signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act—the largest stimulus package in American history—into law.
Case Management Lessons From ‘The Art of War’—Part 1: IntroductionBy Timothy S. Midura & Colleen L. SahlasJanuary 2020This series of articles will challenge you to use 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu as inspiration to think creatively, strategically, and tactically in your case planning and implementation.
Cook County Probate Division’s Virtual Hearing Process: An UpdateBy Sarah LeRoseDecember 2020The Cook County Probate Division has amended General Order 2020-08, issued additional Zoom hearing access codes, added two new judges to the floor, and reinstituted its formal mediation calendar.
Cook County Recorder of Deeds Rejects Transfer on Death InstrumentsFebruary 2020Recently, the Cook County Recorder of Deeds has been rejecting proffered Transfer on Death Instruments unless the document contains both the document number of the last duly recorded deed and the date of that recording.
Estate of Jezewski v. Jaworski: A Warning on Joint TenancyBy Thomas A. BallJuly 2020Estate of Aniela Jezewski v. Elizabeth Jaworski and Kaziemerz Jaworski, which deals with the title to a house in Chicago, tells us that the presumption of tenancy in common and the four unities that defend the presumption still matter.
Estate Planning for Frequent Flier MilesBy Robert L. SchurMarch 2020Planning for disposition of airline miles at death represents a new, largely untapped opportunity for estate planning attorneys to be relevant to clients without estate tax issues.
Formula General Powers of Appointment to the RescueBy Robert J. KolasaJune 2020Because of the high exclusion, many credit shelter trusts won't save estate taxes, yet will undesirably deprive the family of stepped-up basis at the death of the surviving spouse.
How Limited Is Limited Liability?By David K. StaubMay 2020By acting responsibly and taking a few precautions, the limited liability of the LLC is a major benefit over a sole proprietorship, general partnership, or even a limited partnership.