2015 retirement plan limitationsBy Bernard G. PeterDecember 2014The complete list of the IRS 2015 dollar limitations for benefits, compensation and contributions.
Data security: No longer someone else’s problemBy Troy E. Haggestad & Daniel A. HuntleyFebruary 2014As hackers become more sophisticated at unlawfully accessing credit card data stored on your client’s computer systems, the number of lawsuits filed against businesses related to data security breaches has mushroomed.
Franchising: Appreciating its valueBy Adriano PedrelliSeptember 2014After doing his own research, the author shares his conclusions about franchises and why they might not be getting the credit they deserve.
The new tax on insurance premiumsBy Jennifer Hammer & Connie BeardDecember 2014Public Act 98-0978 will become law on January 1, 2015, and may have a significant negative effect on businesses, not-for-profit organizations and municipalities who qualify as Industrial Insureds and utilize captive insurance companies or other non-traditional insurance arrangements.
Pro bono legal opportunitiesBy Bernard G. PeterJune 2014The author outlines various projects that need your help!
United States Supreme Court clarifies what it means to be at homeBy Barry P. KaltenbachFebruary 2014Last month’s United States Supreme Court ruling in Daimler AG v. Bauman clarified certain language from a previous case, the end result being that Illinois might be home to fewer businesses than it had previously thought—at least for purposes of personal jurisdiction.