Bullish for BullcomingBy Niyati ThakurAugust 2011Bullcoming v. New Mexico is a notable, if cautious, extension of the Confrontation Clause cases of Crawford and Melendez-Diaz.
Don’t be intimidated by DUIs with blood evidenceBy Erica NicholsAugust 2011Each type of blood draw has its own legal requirements for admission into evidence at trial. It is these requirements that provide the opportunity to defeat the blood evidence.
Driving under the influence: Not just for alcohol anymoreBy Erica NicholsMarch 2011Illinois' DUI statute lists six different measurements by which an individual can be found to be under the influence, and only the first two are related to alcohol.
Inventory searches: Before you may search you must have the right to seizeBy Hon. John McAdamsMay 2011The threshold question in any inventory search is the validity of the original seizure of the vehicle. If the original impound was invalid, even if pursuant to a written or oral standardized police policy, the subsequent inventory search is unconstitutional.
New summary suspension law hits IllinoisBy Edward M. MaloneyMay 2011Beginning July 1, a person suspected of DUI in a fatal or injurious auto accident who refuses or fails to complete chemical testing can have his or her driving privileges revoked under statute 625 ILCS 5/1-197.6).
People v. Bruni, 2010 Ill. App. LEXIS 1274 (2nd Dist. 2010)By David B. Franks-StrausMarch 2011The Appellate Court concluded that defendant’s admission that he had consumed a beer, together with the officer’s testimony “was sufficient to justify the relatively minor intrusion of requesting that a properly stopped motorist step out of a vehicle to perform field sobriety tests."
People v. GeierBy David B. FranksAugust 2011Initial probable cause did not dissipate merely because Arresting Officer continued to follow motorist for two to four miles, after observing traffic violation, before stopping motorist.
So your client has given you physical evidence of a crime…By J. Randall CoxMay 2011On the one hand, the delivery to the attorney is a communication which the attorney is required to protect. (Rule 1.6) However, an attorney is not to unlawfully obstruct another party’s access to evidence. (Rule 3.4) How is this conflict resolved? The courts of Illinois do not appear to have directly addressed this.
Summary suspension after a motor vehicle accidentBy Lisa L. DunnAugust 2011A discussion of the recent appellate case of Odom v. White, in which the injuries suffered in two motor vehicle accidents met the statutory definition of a type A injury, which confers implied consent for a blood-alcohol test.