Objects under the rearview mirror may be more of a material obstruction than they appearBy Rob ShumakerMarch 2013Objects dangling from the rearview mirror may justify a traffic stop but only if they constitute a material obstruction. The author addresses the case law on this issue and offers practice tips to determine whether an object materially obstructs a driver’s view of the road.
Obtaining court supervision in downstate Illinois DUI casesBy Anthony A. BrunoMarch 2013For those of us who practice in more than one county, figuring out what it takes to get a disposition of court supervision in a DUI case can be a tricky endeavor.
To expunge or seal, what do you do?By Lisa L. DunnSeptember 2013It is your job to inform your client that in many instances the case should be expunged or sealed. First, you need to understand the difference between expunging a record and sealing a record. Second, you need to know where to look in the statute to determine if your client’s record can be expunged or if not expunged, then sealed.
Warrantless blood draws discussed by U.S. Supreme CourtBy Ava George StewartJune 2013The case of Missouri v. McNeeley now puts the government on notice that where there is a blood draw, without a warrant, the government should be prepared to lay out the reasoning to support the exigent circumstances exception to the Fourth Amendment.