Changes to Supreme Court Rule 552By Brian SmithJanuary 2022The Illinois Supreme Court issued final changes to several rules on September 29, including Rule 552, which governs how traffic citations are processed by the circuit courts.
Driving While License Suspended and Supervision LimitsBy Jason WilkinsNovember 2022It is common for attorneys to pursue court supervision when a client is facing charges of driving while license is suspended or revoked.
Giving Back to Our Colleagues in NeedBy Bridget C. DuignanSeptember 2022A look at how the Illinois Bar Foundation's Lawyers Care Fund helps attorneys around the state.
Per Se Conflicts of Interest Apply to DUI CasesBy Hon. Jeremy J. RicheyJanuary 2022In People vs. Yost, the Illinois Supreme Court discussed the per se conflict of interest, which triggers an automatic reversal of conviction.
Plea of Guilty to Charge in One County Bars Prosecution of Similar Charge in Second CountyBy J. Brick Van Der SnickJanuary 2022In People v. Hull, the appellate court affirmed the trial court’s decision to grant the defendant’s motion to dismiss and bar La Salle County prosecution for aggravated fleeing and eluding as the defendant had already pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fleeing and eluding in Marshall County.
SAFE-T Act ChallengesBy Sara VigNovember 2022State’s attorneys across Illinois have recently filed lawsuits alleging that the SAFE-T Act is unconstitutional because it violates the single-subject rule.