Consent and the PBTBy William L. VigDecember 2016If, considering the totality of the circumstances in a given case, the defendant’s submission to a PBT was not voluntary, that PBT result is subject to suppression in both the criminal motion to suppress and the civil petition to rescind.
Dude, where’s my license? Welcome changes in Illinois DUI lawBy Paul MeyerDecember 2016A look at laws enacted last year that reflect a shifting attitude toward rewarding rehabilitated drivers and away from increasing and progressive incarceration for what is unimpaired, albeit illegal, driving.
Failure to comply with Illinois Supreme Court Rule 552’s 48-hour requirement: What is the proper remedy?By Anisa L. JordanOctober 2016What is the proper remedy for a violation of Rule 552? To answer this question, the Illinois Supreme Court stated that it first must determine whether Rule 552 was directory or mandatory. The Court noted that making this distinction would guide the court in determining the proper remedy for failure to comply with Rule 552’s timing requirement.
Legislative highlights for 2015By Larry A. DavisJune 2016The 2015 99th Illinois General Assembly was one of the most productive and successful in recent memory for legislative initiatives supported by the ISBA.
Litigating KladisBy Hon. Joel BergOctober 2016In People v. Kladis, the Illinois Supreme Court approved extreme sanctions for the loss of video evidence. Many thought this a watershed moment in mandating the creation and preservation of video evidence. They were wrong. Subsequent cases illustrate both the narrow nature of the Kladis holding and how misunderstood that holding has been.