Become an Illinois Bar Foundation ChampionBy Jessica R. DurkinNovember 2024At least twice a year at ISBA Annual and Midyear Meetings, we are pitched by colleagues and the Illinois Bar Foundation to become a “Champion.” But what is a Champion really, and what’s in it for us?
Independent Truckers and the SR22 “Trap”By Anthony B. CameronNovember 2024Independent truckers face jeopardy when charged with operating a non-commercial vehicle without liability insurance far exceeding those of any other owner/operator.
Is Silence an Admission?By Terrence WallaceMarch 2024In People v. Pinkett, the Illinois Supreme Court recently held that a defendant’s post arrest silence was neither material nor relevant to show consciousness of guilt.
New Law Ends Failure to Appear Driver’s License SuspensionsBy Larry A. DavisNovember 2024Traffic practitioners should be aware of a significant change to 625 ILCS 5/6-308 (P.A. 103-0789) which addresses defendants who fail to appear on petty offenses (excluding those defined as business offenses (730 ILCS 5/5-1-2); overweight violations (265 ILCS 5/15-111); and registration fee violations (625 ILCS 5/3-401)).
Overlooked Attacks on the Admissibility of the PBT TestBy Terry WallaceAugust 2024The portable breath test is a preliminary breath test used by a police officer prior to the defendant being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Statutory Summary Suspensions/Revocations and Type A Injury AccidentsBy Larry A. DavisMarch 2024One of the more confusing aspects of the statutory summary suspension/revocation scheme in Illinois involves personal injury accidents and, more particularly, those known as Type A personal injury accidents.
What Is the Effect of Section 1286.40 of the Illinois State Police Rules on a DUI Prosecution?By Larry A. DavisMarch 2024In People v. Heineman, the Illinois Supreme Court considered a challenge to the conversion factor provided for in section 1286.40 of the Illinois State Police administrative rules in a criminal proceeding when the state sought to establish the defendant's whole blood alcohol concentration based on an emergency room treatment serum blood alcohol test result.
What’s New in Secretary of State Restricted Driving Permits?By Ted HarvatinMay 2024The number one concern of most DUI clients who are not facing significant time in jail is the impact a DUI will have on their driver’s license and driving privileges.